
Beyond the Four Pillars 

Let’s start with a very quick recap on the Four Pillars of Ironman Racing. They were: Nutrition, Strength, Economy and Aerobic Threshold Endurance. Hopefully, you found my previous tips on these important areas helpful. If you’ve been working on the Four Pillars over the last four months then you should be in great shape right now. 
快速複習一下前面的四個重點, 就是  營養, 強度, 省能以及持續的有氧度, 如果你有照著持續練四個月的話 , 你現在體能狀況應該非常好才對. 

So what comes next? Before I get into that, I want to discuss where people tend to go wrong at this time of the year. 
在談到接下來要做什麼之前, 我想先討論 一下, 訓練到這個階段的時候, 大家很容易犯那些錯

Remember what made you fit in the first place. We can all get really fit from paying attention to the basics of aerobic training and smart nutrition. The danger comes when we try to go even faster by adding excessive anaerobic training. We each have a limited tolerance for high intensity work and it’s nearly always less than we think. 
要知道, 第一階段的基礎訓練是讓我們變 "Fit" (將贅肉除掉, 將有氧度提升), 如果你在這段期間自己加了速度訓練, 或是過多的無氧訓練, 那會是很危險的, 我們身體能夠承受的高強度無氧操練度, 其實往往比我們自認的程度還要低 (人真的是不能操過頭, 想想上回的洄瀾300K, 熬夜騎了十多個鐘頭, 真的是太傷身體了 ! )

With a deep aerobic base, it only takes a little bit of intensity over a short period of time to get the necessary physiological changes. Three to seven weeks out from your A-priority race is the appropriate time to start your most intense efforts. Most of us will have lower priority races that will provide all the intensity we need. This means that a radical change to your training program is not required. Ironman race pace is your basic endurance training pace – so remember that you are doing race specific training year round. 
如果你已經建立了一個穩固的有氧運動基礎 , 你只要再加一點短時間的強度訓練, 馬上就可以改變你的身體狀況(長時期的有氧能力建立,是更上一層樓的基本功). 在前面四個月的基礎有氧訓練後, 大約只需3-7週的強度訓練就夠了, 我們只要零星參加幾場賽事, 就可以提供我們所需的強度訓練, 也就是說你並不需要大幅改變你前面幾個月的基礎訓練課表, 就可以得到你需要的強度訓練, 要知道, 三鐵比賽時使用的速度, 差不多就是做基礎訓練時的速度而已, 也就是說, 其實你一直都在做強度的訓練. 

You’ll get the most benefit from working one gear up from race effort. Your “speed work” is really sport-specific strength work. This is muscular endurance work done at 10-20 bpm above aerobic threshold (see my previous series for how to determine AeT).  
心跳超過乳酸閾10-20bpm的話, 你的肌肉的耐受度就玩完了, 也就是說, 在訓練過程中, 即使你只提升一點點的練習強度, 就已經是特別的速度訓練了.

 How do you know that you are ready to start some sport-specific strength work? Have a look at Part Four of my Threshold Series for the “test workouts” that you want to be able to complete. Until you are able to complete these aerobic test sessions and feel “normal” the next day, your greatest gains will come from a continued focus on the Four Pillars.   
要如何才能夠知道自己是不是已經準備好可以開始一些特別的強度訓練呢?  如果你可以按照課表完成這些有氧訓練的基礎課程, 而且隔天都還覺得自己精神狀況很正常, 那就表示你已經準備好進入下一個階段 ---- 特別加強訓練. 你會發現, 前面強調的四大重點真的是讓自己獲益很大.
( 關鍵還是要有一個心跳表, 找到自己的乳酸閾的心跳是多少bpm, 這樣才能讓訓練自由控制在有氧跟無氧之間,否則很容易走火入魔練過頭, "三鐵聖經"有提到, 如果不知道自己的有氧界線在那裡, 與其不小心練過頭, 倒不如選擇練習強度不夠, 因為練過頭是很傷身體的, 練不過頂多大半輩子都被巴假的而已)

When contemplating how best to build the specific preparation phase of your season, keep the following four points in mind. 
在後段的特別訓練加強期, 請牢記下面四個要點 

Getting tired is the point of training. Your training program should be challenging. Following your most important workouts, it’s normal to be tired and/or sore for 12 to 36 hours. If you feel “nothing” then you can afford to bump the intensity and duration a bit. If you are experiencing persistent fatigue or muscle soreness then you are over doing it. Most of us have no trouble with this point – as highly motivated athletes, we are most often giving ourselves a little too much.  
 訓練的目的就是要讓你變累, 你的訓練計畫要有挑戰性, (意思就是Walker那種輕鬆的課程是不行的啦 !) 訓練後持續感到疲憊12~36小時是正常的, 如果你在訓練後, 都沒什麼特別的感覺, 那表示你的訓練還要再加一級, 如果你的疲勞跟肌肉痠痛是長期而持續的, 那表示你訓練過度了, 不過, 對於想成為高手, 有強烈企圖心的運動員來說, 通常是會讓自己稍微Over一點點的.

Get tired the right way. Each of us has a limited amount of recovery “points”. You want to use your recovery points the most effective way possible. This means that your fatigue should be generated in the most race specific method possible. Further, your most challenging sessions should address your greatest Ironman limiter. A 45-minute track session might be beneficial to you. However, is it the best way to use your recovery points? 
 在到正式比賽之前, 每個人能夠獲得的"疲勞回復"次數是有限的, 也就是說, 我們一定要好好把握每次的 " 疲勞回復 " 機會, 要想辦法儘快讓自己的疲勞回復的更快一些

( 訓練會讓人變強的原因, 就是我們在把身體的細胞惡搞一番之後, 讓它休息, 身體會自然過補償而變的更強, 所以每 "疲勞回復"一次, 你就變的更強一些些, 要多補充營養跟睡眠 , 這是" 三鐵聖經" 上的建議) .

Increase your recovery strategy in line with your training strategy. When you step up your training, you must step up your recovery. Injury, burn-out and illness are nearly always caused by a breakdown in recovery (flexibility, sleep or nutrition) rather than a specific training issue. The intelligent athlete uses as many recovery tricks as possible – healthy foods, naps, consistent sleep, massage, yoga and flexibility work. These items speed your recovery and enable you to tolerate more training. The faster you bounce back and the greater the stumili, the greater the training effect.  
在設定自己的訓練計劃時, 同時要將回復期, 受傷, 過操, 生病都計算進去, 考慮這些問題, 比去安排特別的加強訓練計劃還重要, 聰明的運動員會選用多樣的方法, 儘快讓自己的疲勞回復, 例如, 營養的食物, 小睡, 連續的長睡, 按摩, 瑜珈, 柔軟操等, 這些方式會幫助你更快將疲勞排除, 讓你可以接受更多次的訓練, 也就是說, 越快回復, 你的訓練的效率就越高.

Never sacrifice aerobic work for intensity. Steady paced, aerobic endurance training is the heart of Ironman racing – it is the critical success factor for a solid bike split and being able to “run-the-run”. In the final weeks of Ironman training, many athletes drop their core endurance sessions in favor of high intensity “race specific” interval sessions. The most race specific workout you can do for Ironman is a 5-6 hour steady bike ride. Your B- and C-priority races will give you plenty of higher intensity work. 
千萬不要犧牲有氧度去換取強度(速度); "穩定的速度" 及"有氧的持續度" 是鐵人運動的核心, 鐵人比賽時, 想要在騎車的部分保持一定的速度, 還想要在最後的跑步項目跑的像個樣子的話, 有氧運動的持續度是最大的關鍵, 很多運動員在比賽前的幾週, 捨棄了核心的基礎課程, 而專注在特別的強度訓練, 這是不智的. 事實上, 連續5~6小時的騎車練習, 同時就會提供你足夠的強度練習.   

OK, what to do…

Into your standard week, start to incorporate periods of moderately-hard (mod-hard) work. Some examples: 
(這段有點複雜, 大家首要先找出自己的乳酸閾心跳 , 才有辦法進行下面的訓練課程) 

  • Do a portion of your running in the hills. While maintaining good running form, let your heart rate build to AeT+20 bpm as you climb a moderate hill. Careful with the downhill running as it can trash your legs. Two to three weeks out from your A-priority race, start to run exclusively on the flat. Your last long run should be no closer than 10 to 12 days out.
  • To improve your running in the flats, insert periods of upper steady paced running. These are 30- to 75-minute periods of running that are done at a heart rate of AeT+10 bpm. These runs will be faster than goal IM race pace and will not generate the deep fatigue that occurs from extended periods higher than AeT+10 bpm. This means that you’ll be able to handle more aerobic volume (and, therefore, be getting tired the “right way”).
  • To build flat time trial strength, insert the following set into an endurance ride. Four to six repeats of three to five minutes duration. Maintain a cadence of 55-65 rpm and focus on turning strong circles. Keep your heart rate down, no higher than AeT+15 bpm, and push a very large gear. Make your recovery interval 25% of your work interval. If your heart rate is getting too high then slow your cadence and/or push a stronger gear.
  • If your A-priority race contains significant climbs then use the same hill protocol as for running. Build your heart rate to AeT+20 bpm, while pushing a strong gear. Do this in terrain that closely mimics the hills that you will face. The endurance required for long climbs is different than the skills needed for extended rollers.
What about the swim? Personally, when I increase my bike/run intensity, I lower the intensity in the water. In the final few weeks of Ironman preparation, my assumption is that my swim fitness is largely determined. I maintain my swim frequency and volume, but avoid getting myself tired in the water. This doesn’t mean that I am cruising the whole time. Rather, I avoid long sprints, VO2 Max work and any high lactate sustained sets. I want to get tired in the way that will most benefit my overall Ironman time. For me, that means race specific bike and run work.  
 關於游泳.....我個人(原作者, Gordo)是選擇將騎跟跑的強度增加, 將游泳的強度降低, 我認為在比賽的前幾週, 游泳功力差不多都已底定, 我就只是保持原來那樣的訓練量跟頻度, 目的就只是希望在正式比賽時, 不要在水中就覺得累了; 不過這也不是說我在比賽時都是慢慢在划水, 我是儘量避免長時間的衝刺, 長時間停留在最大耗氧度運動, 避免掉高乳酸堆積的現象, 我希望讓自己在比賽中, 最關鍵, 能獲益最大項目才變累( 也就是說要將體力花在騎車跟跑步項目上的意思)

So those are my thoughts on the training side. On the racing side, I enjoy inserting short local races into my schedule. Examples of these are: 1500-3000m open water swims, aquathons (swim-run races), 5-10K running races, 15-40K bike TTs and/or sprint triathlons. Once my base fitness is established, I’ll do one of these events every 10-14 days. I find that this provides me with some threshold work in an environment where I can control the intensity. If I feel great then I race at threshold pace. If I am tired then I’ll back it off to moderately hard pace. I’ll never taper for these races and skip them if I am particularly toasted.  
等到練的差不多了, 就可以選一些小比賽來幫自己加強訓練 , 例如游1500~3000m(泳渡日月潭?), 5-10Km的跑賽, 15~40km的自行車計時賽, 或是短距離的三鐵賽(像是半程鐵人賽吧!), 藉由這些比賽, 我們可以找出自己的極限在那裡, 而且可以學得如何控制它們(極限點)的方式, 當我覺得狀況好的時候, 我就給它推到極限, 狀況不好時, 就將強度退回一些; 我一直都沒有將參加這些小比賽的頻度降低或忽略. 

Let’s sum it up. Focusing on the Four Pillars is a safe and effective way to get very fit. Once you have a deep base of aerobic fitness, add sport and race specific strength work. If you are tolerating your specific strength sessions and maintaining your endurance sessions, then consider using short events to give you a little bit of threshold work.
總結一下, 基礎訓練期的四大重點要持續注意, 不要忽略了, 這是讓自己" 安全地變強"  最有效率的方法, 一旦你將基礎打好後, 參加一些小比賽做重點加強, 如果還行有餘力(可以繼續保持原來的有氧運動的持續度)的話, 可以安排一些小的訓練課程, 將自己的"最高無氧運動極限" 再往上推一把. 

Good luck and I’ll see you at the races!
祝好運, 比賽場上見囉 ! 




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